Friday, October 14, 2011

Health and Medical Information for Tunisia
Health and Medical Information for Tunisia
Travel tips for your trip to Tunisia Hotel Maps Famous Places in Tunisia helps you to make your trip to Tunisia in the holiday a Splendid One

Health insurance is essential. Tunisia's public healthcare system often provides excellent care in larger towns, but you have to pay for treatment, usually in cash. There are a few private 'polyclinics' available in the larger towns, which function as hospitals and provide a range of procedures.
Food and drink:

Mains water is normally chlorinated, and whilst safe may cause mild abdominal upsets. Bottled water is available. Milk should be boiled when unpasteurised. UHT milk is available and is advised. Only eat well-cooked meat and fish, preferably served hot. Vegetables should be cooked and fruit peeled. Avoid ice cream being sold on the street, which might have melted and been refrozen. It’s also worth noting that vegetarians aren’t extensively catered for, although this situation has improved in recent years, particularly in resort areas.
Other risks:

Vaccinations against Hepatitis B are recommended.